
Ready to show and prove

St. Louis and Atlanta is known for making club music. DJ Drama coined one of my favorite hip-hop music terms “quality street music.” 

TCP (Top Choice Productions) creates this kind of music all while placing their own spin on it. Every rapper isn’t a gangster and every gangster isn’t a rapper. 

Somehow, when the two components (artist) meet in the right light, they can create a masterpiece. With their new mixtape STL/ATL Connection, Consider TLC an independent powerhouse in the making.

The name of the mixtape is STL/ATL Connection with a mix of St. Louis artist, Kendall Jackson (Dubcity) and Atlanta singer Zachary Spencer (Lizten), both students at GSU. The mixtape consist of 8 tracks.

If Top Choice Productions puts it in their raps then chances are they’ve done it in real life. Both Dubcity and Lizten completely embody the spirit of the street hustler and describes such a lifestyle to the listeners with ease.

TCP stands up for the true school listeners that still believe in the basic elements of hip-hop. Listening to their music will help you learn a thousand things.

The lead single is (track 5) “Get A Piece” which you can check it out on YouTube: STL/ATL Connection.

TCP is a high energy group of young guys that are very likeable and enjoyable to watch. They make music that is refreshingly comparable to hip-hop from the golden era. They are supported by the solid production of lilbillorkrooks and are surely a crew of prospects who should be watched closely. 

Dubcity, has been section leader of his section in the band and drill sergeant from fall 2010 to present. He plays the Mello also known as the French Horn, and is also a member of Kappa Kappa Psi. 

“Being in the World Famed Tiger Marching Band has disciplined me in my school work, music and just life in general.”

TCP are a  very ambitious youthful hip-hop collective capable making records that can compete with most of your favorite top jams. They have a quality mixtape available for download and are always in the process of promoting themselves. 

These days, there seems to be a trend where acquiring Twitter followers and Facebook friends can be mistaken for building an authentic fan base. 

But both artists strive to become an essential stepping stone to the hip-hop scene. If everything goes as it should these two artists will help re-establish freshness in the world of hip-hop.