Two new state-of-the-art computer labs are now housed in Woodson Hall under the auspices of the Department of English and Foreign Languages. The English Instructional Computer Classroom (EICC) and the English Writing Enhancement Lab (EWEL) are funded by a Title III grant written by Dr. Evelyn Wynn, interim dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
“The replacement of the outdated writing lab and the establishment of the new Instructional Computer Classroom buttress the university’s commitment to providing students an unparalleled learning experience which is aligned with President Pogue’s strategic priorities,” said Dr. Wynn.
The English Instructional Computer Classroom (EICC), located in Woodson Hall, Rm. 232, provides a high-tech teaching space for English courses, particularly Freshman Composition 101 and 102 courses. The wireless teaching instructional classroom has 30 Dell Optiplex 790 Desktop systems with grammar/writing software, one black and white printer, a 55″ flat screen tv, smart board and lectern.
“We must find ways to address students’ writing needs by implementing innovative strategies such as blended learning in the EICC to improve students’ overall writing quality, especially freshmen students,” states Wynn.
Dr. James Clawson, assistant professor of English, led the efforts in modifying Freshman Composition 101 and 102 course syllabi to include a blended learning base and other training sessions to implement blended learning in the classroom. English faculty, Dr. Charles Snodgrass, Dr. Beatrice McKinsey, Linda Ward, Bernie Evans, Darren Mathews and Dr. Clawson, are implementing blended learning in their courses their semester.
Jahi Gilkey, freshman from Atlanta, said, “The technology and classroom setup create an environment for students to be more successful.”
Just across the hall from the EICC is the Writing Enhancement Lab (EWEL) in Rm. 231. EWEL is designed to complement the EICC by providing support to students currently enrolled in all English courses. However, students throughout the university are also invited to seek assistance.
Ward, the EWEL coordinator, said “This is a very exciting time for GSU students. The Lab is fully equipped with the latest technology to assist students in grammar, sentence structure, MLA format, and essay writing; it is designed to encourage students to write!” The wireless Writing Enhancement lab houses 14 Dell Optiplex 790 desktops with grammar software, 2 HP printers, a 55″ flat screen tv, smart board and lectern.
“In addition to the regular tutorial sessions, mini-workshops presented by faculty volunteers from the English Department will be scheduled weekly,” Ward added.
For more information and a schedule of upcoming Writing Enhancement Lab events, please contact Linda Ward: wardl@gram.edu or 274-2352. Students can find more information about the Writing Lab and leave comments and questions on the new Writing Enhancement Lab blog-just click on the drop box under Academics on the GSU homepage, then click on Writing Lab.
The lab blog link can also be found under Current Students and the English Department. To make an appointment, students may drop by the Lab or surf the Lab’s new blog at http://gsunet/writinglab.