
Former Queen proclaims farewell

Fours ago I was an eager 20-year-old ready to leave the vibrant island of Jamaica and experience life in college. I must admit I was scared when I first saw my dorm and I wanted to leave that same day. The transition to college was not really difficult thanks to the Caribbean population that welcomed me with open arms. The last four years have been wonderful and I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything.

As this part of my journey comes to a close, I would like to thank all of the people whom have helped me along the way. I would like to thank all the people who have helped me along the way.  I must give endless thanks to the head of my life my lord  and savor Jesus Christ through him all things are possible. Without God in my life, I don’t know where I would be.

Second, I want to extend a special thank you to my father David Campbell and brother Leighton Campbell, who are everything to me. Words cannot truly express how much they mean to me and how much I love them. 

To my guardian angel and mother Pauline Campbell, who has been watching over me “I made it”. To my entire family, I love you all . You all are the best support system anyone could ask for.

My first and best roommate, Aigner  Edgerson, gave  me the opportunity to have a sister and enjoy my life here at Grambling. To this day she is and will always be my “Rommie”. Although she is on to bigger and better things, she will always hold a special place dear to me. I learned how to live with someone else and most importantly how to trust someone with your most prized possessions.

To my toughest and favorite professors, Dr. Douglas Thomas, Dr. Jim Kim, Mary Bodenharris, Dr. Francis Staten, Dr. Stacey Duhon, Dr. LaWanna Gunn-Williams and Ms. LaQuetta Anderson, I appreciate you all for challenging me, not accepting mediocre work and encouraging me to do my best.

To my Sorors of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., I gained 81 unique line sisters who cross nationalities, ideologies and backgrounds. I would not trade any of them.    The Audacious  ladies not only brought scholars and community servants to Grambling, but also brought an unbreakable bond to my life.

Last, but certainly not least, to my best friends Arah Robins and Leon Norville I met during my Junior year. You guys are my biggest supporters and the only ones that tolerate my mood swings

There are so many life lessons I have learned while at Grambling, and there are so many mistakes I have made. In spite of this, I regret nothing. Through experience we obtained wisdom. Grambling State University is really a place where everybody is somebody, with a fee sheet of course. This is not goodbye; it’s see you at the top.

I encourage you all to implement prayer into faith and take God with you as journey in this life



Miss Black and Gold 2011-12

Kimberly Cole