First there was Leonardo Da Vinci and then there was Landis C. Anderson, a senior, double majoring in art and English is premiering her very own art exhibition. The show entitled Empathy and Enlightenment features 15 paintings and photographs ranging in various sizes and media.
The reception was held on Tuesday and turned out to be a great success. Dozens of students and faculty were in attendance to show their support, many of whom were seeing her work for the first time.
Senior Channing Montgomery said, “Her artwork is amazing. All of her paintings look very realistic and made me wish I was one of her masterpieces.”
After four years of working up to this point in her undergraduate career, she welcomed her guests and answered their questions with such poise.
Throughout the duration of her reception, you truly see the excitement and the sense of accomplishment in her face. Landis Anderson will definitely be a name to remember in the wonderful world of art.
Having the pleasure of sitting down with the artist, I was given insight into the process and motivation behind her artwork.
Why did you choose to name your show Empathy and Enlightenment?
My show deals with identity and knowing one’s self. I believe that many people don’t have a sense of self empathy and habitually neglect their inner feelings. I believe that once people realize and understand these hidden emotions, that enlightenment of their true self will come.”
What was your inspiration behind your pieces?
Usually I would get inspired buy real life events and the emotions that I find within myself and my friends. I try to find a model that embodies that emotion the best.”
What are your plans for the future?
After my final semester I plan to attend graduate school with a focus in painting. I’ve been looking at quite a few schools and have high hopes for all of them. My goal is to get accepted and acquire an internship or a fellowship.