The line on Saturday to enter Grambling State University’s T.H. Harris Auditorium stretched down Main Street. As students, alumni and faculty flocked to park take in one of the last homecoming events- The Greek Step Show.
“I expect the GSU students to put on an awesome show, to represent well, and may the best person win,” said Terry Lilly, coach of the GSU Pep Squad and director of the intramural.
The ladies of Zeta Phi Beta did just what Lilly prescribed; therefore, they walked away with $1,000 cash prize from Tabasco and Favrot Student Union Board, along with the men of Alpha Phi Alpha, for the third time in a row.
As the crowd waited to enter, they watched as old heads stomped through the Quad with their paraphernalia in support of their sorority/fraternity.
To the sudden surprise of many, the ladies of Zeta Phi Beta quickly grabbed the crowd’s attention with their 60th reunion superbowl 60 football theme.
“We worked really hard and put in a lot of time to put this show together,” said Sheterrica Blackwell, a member of the Zeta Phi Beta sorority. Blackwell reminds students the Zeta’s Week will begin on Nov. 11.
Playing the role as the referee, Darriel Smith, a member of the Zeta Phi Beta sorority, tossed her leg high in the air and dropped into the splits, receiving a standing ovation, making it one of the highlights of their performance.
With the their explosive energy and mixture of old and new school music, the Zeta’s stole the show from the only other sorority in the competition, Alpha Kappa Alpha.
The AKAs will join the Zetas representing GSU at the Bayou Classic on Friday, Nov. 23, at the Greek Step Show against Southern University.
Mirroring the Jackson Five, the men of Alpha Phi Alpha strolled on stage with the 80s styled hair fro’s and the button up striped shirts.
The audience laughed as, Matthew Mitchell, playing the role as Joe Jackson, the Jackson’s father, entered onto stage with his infamous belt. Then, the brothers disappeared behind the gold curtains and abruptly switched to all white suits and slowed it down for the ladies.
In between the catchy steps and amusing story lines, Dwayer “DJ Chase” Thompson, with narration from Peter “P Skillz” Dorsey, entertained the crowd with a plethora of music to keep them engaged. Chase drove back to the 80s with “Hole in the wall” by Mel Waiters but kept things current with music from Friday’s homecoming concert performer Meek Mill.
Landing on stage in one-piece brown uniforms, the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha on a mission rescue their previous gems that were stolen.
After the show, the AKAs thanked everyone for their continuous support and congratulated all the winners.
Phi Beta Sigma’s creative story line of the Maury Show received second place. With only three fraternities, the men of Iota Phi Theta went home with third place. Alpha Phi Alpha and Iota Phi Theta will also represent Grambling at the Bayou Classic.
Not making an appearance in the Saturday’s Step Show were the men of Omega Psi Phi and Kappa Alpha Psi along with ladies of Delta Sigma Theta and Sigma Gamma. The reason for their absence is not available at the moment.