November 6 is quickly approaching, and for those who don’t know, that is the day where millions of Americans will flood voting polls to cast there vote for the future President of the United States.
However, I am concerned about the number of individuals who are suffering from voting apathy. I do not see the same frenzy as I did four years ago. Where are the rallies?
Where are the chants of “Yes we can?” Where is the old Negro spiritual of “We Shall Overcome?” In 2008 these were symbolic instruments used as an image of fervor declaring the act “CHANGE.”
During the 2008 election, USA Today reported that over 15 million people were registered to vote, and of those 15 million, 2.9 million were new Democratic voters, and while Republicans acquired 1.5 million newly registered voters.
The numbers of this year’s election have not yet been determined, but one can only imagine that the excitement of voting has submerged into a pot of “my vote doesn’t matter.”
I say to Americans that we must not treat this election as we did in 2008 nor any other election, because this one is far more important. With feuding sides on health care, Pell Grants and taxes that will affect the elderly and middle class. This has become an election that is in the hands of younger generations. The New York Times reported that in 2008 23.9 million people between the ages of 18-29 voted.
The turnout this year must be even greater. I will not badger nor demand with who you should vote for, but I do insist that you make your vote based on a candidate’s possible presidential vision and policies. Your vote matters more than ever.
The last day to register to vote is Oct. 9, and be sure to check your state’s current voting laws. Every ballot must be cast, and every vote must be counted.
Editor-in-chief Justin Madden is a senior mass communication major from Los Angeles.