
Cut the crap!

     Every morning I make a stop at the campus convenient store located in Tiger Express. I’m an early riser and tend to crave an overpriced Naked brand juice every morning. 

But as I crossed the threshold of the door a red sign that read in capital letters, “DUE TO EXCESSIVE THEFT. There is now a limit of 5 people in the store at a time.” I immediately took a picture of this phenomenon. 

When I asked the two female employees about the sign, they replied with a sigh and said, “Yes! They have been cutting up.”

    It seems after that morning meeting with the convenient store and its employees, I have been approached with several stories of GSU students acting in academic and social atrocity. 

     My ears were flooded with horror stories of individuals pulling guns out on each other, male and females suspected of rape, drug activity and restraining orders. 

I say to the administration, faculty, staff and students of GSU, to CUT THE CRAP!

      When a prospective student applies to any college and/or university one assumes that they will be surrounded by individuals like themselves. Meaning that they have applied to an institution of higher learning where the campus is engulfed with intellectuals and not simpletons or foolishness. 

     To those persons who insist on inflicting harm on my peers and devaluing the image of this university, I insist that you get out, because we don’t want you here.

      HBCU’s were built on the foundation to acquiesce the intelligence of African-Americans to level in which we can compete with our counterparts those who attended PWI’s (Predominantly White Institutions). 

     So, I beg of you to stop the violence, stop the cultural bigotry and stop the retraction of academic accomplishment. 



Editor in chief Justin Madden is a senior mass communication major from Los Angeles.