
Greetings from FSUB


Greetings Tigers,


On behalf of the Favrot Student Union Board, I would like to welcome you all back for a great year in Tiger Land. My name is Kyndra Todd, and I will be serving as your 2012-2013 FSUB President. I am truly elated for this upcoming year, for I know that it will be filled with exciting and new events.  I have truly enjoyed seeing the new faces and positive attitudes that were displayed by you all during Welcome Week, and I have hopes that everyone will remain this way throughout the year. 

The Favrot Student Union Board is an organization that handles student activities and social student events, and we strive to implement events that students will be excited about attending and will eagerly await for the next event. I have selected an amazing group of people to preside over the FSUB committees and I am positive that if any student decides to join 

FSUB they will have a truly enlightening experience while helping to plan events for the year.FSUB, like all other aspects of Grambling State University, is like a family and I would love to welcome each and every one of you to the family. To all of the new and returning students at the university, I would like to wish you all the best in your studies and endeavors that you choose during your matriculation at Grambling State University, “The Place Where Everybody Is Somebody.”