
Acquisitions’ major role

The Acquisitions librarian orders and receives monographic resources that support the curricula in a timely, accurate, and fiscally responsible manner. Collaboration with colleges, schools, students and librarians on decisions relating to collection development ensures that resources ordered will support the program and enhance the collection.

This department is responsible for collection building and the management of the academic programs offered at the university. Librarians work with faculty through the deans and department heads to select new resources that support the academic programs.

Some resources are acquired through continuations, approval programs and/or firm orders purchased from the book vendor, Baker & Taylor. Funds received from the library’s budget and Title III grants advance the collection building process.

Monographic resources are electronically ordered and processed before they are delivered to the Technical Services Department for cataloging.

The library is happy to accept gifts/donations that are in good condition, support and enhance the library’s program. The gift policy is used as a guide in receiving all gifts.

A copy of the gift policy is available on the library’s website. Faculty and staff are encouraged to donate books to the library.

The office is located on the first floor in the new library wing, Room number 160, hours are 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and 1-10 p.m. on Tuesday.