
Bombing Libya at what cost?

When the United States sent Tomahawk missiles into Libya recently, questions about President Barack Obama’s fiscal and ethical responsibility arose.While some believe that the decision is not worth war costs, others believe that the US responded in the best interest of Libyan citizens and the “global community.”

“The United States and other superpowers have the ethical responsibility to intervene when injustice is committed,” said computer science senior David Muganza, a native of Kigali, Rwanda.

“I think the president and the international community’s decision to intervene in Libya is right and sound,” Muganza said.

The White House considers Libya’s current state reminiscent of 1990s Rwanda when the government allowed the genocide of 800,000 people.

Time magazine reported that Susan Rice, President Obama’s United Nations ambassador told Harvard scholar Samantha Power, “I swore to myself that if I ever faced such a crisis again, I would come down on the side of dramatic action, going down in flames if that was required.”

While the welfare of Libya is of global concern, some don’t find the scenario comparison between Libya and Rwanda completely appropriate.

“To try and equate the two (situations) is understandable,” Muganza said.

“But, I fear it decreases the magnitude of the genocide, and the shame, and the responsibility of the international community for their inaction.”

Russia and the Arab League also expressed displeasure with the decision.

Criticism in the States continues because of the financial implications in America, where a several trillion-dollar national debt already looms.

As focus remains on Libya, America is reminded that attempting to dismantle Libya’s leader Moammar Qaddafi, is costly.

As of late, the US spent about $225 million firing the missiles, CNN estimated.

The figure was based on U.S. Navy figures. This spending could spiral out of control in the deficit-oriented country.

CNN reported that US spending is six times that of China, the country with the next largest budget.

Humanitarian costs also remain, as history repeats itself. The US bombed Libya in 1986.
The goal of bombing the nation was punishment of Qaddafi “for his role as friend and patron to terror groups,” according to the Associated Press.

Cruise missiles obliterated Qaddafi’s administrative building, according to www.dailymail.co.uk.

These events are undoubtedly remembered as White House representatives announced that the recent missiles were the beginning phase of a multi-phased endeavor in Libya.

“I find the timing of the decision is questionable with so many already dead. I think it should have happened earlier,” said Muganza.

Scrutiny of the actions and of President Obama continued on social media platforms where tweeters (Twitter Web site users) began calling him #Obomber.

Talk show host Tavis Smiley expressed displeasure with the president.

He tweeted, “The U.S. engaged in three wars in three Muslim countries all at once?

“HUGE mistake. War is STILL not the answer.