
Glamorized teen pregnancy isn’t all it’s cracked up to be

Lights. Camera. Action. Then there is real life.

What happens when the camera and equipment disappear? The American reality series Teen Mom, aires on the MTV network, shows a glimpse into the first year of birth and daily issues single teenage mothers across America are facing.

These issues specifically highlight the mothers’ economic state, pressures of school, troubling teenage fathers and life in general.

The show is a spin-off from a series that aired in summer 2009, 16 and Pregnant, in which MTV tracked the progression of young girls dealing with pregnancy.

It’s troubling that girls of this age, who are supposed to be enjoying life, have to pause their’s for the creation of someone else’s.
The result is that underage pregnancy has an effect on everyone not just the mothers but also the family, the community and the outcome of the welfare of the child for the future.
What happens behind the scenes when the personal trials and issues are not syndicated to the masses?

Will their lives still be interesting after the cameras leave and they seem to be alone?
Does this show glamorize pregnancy to all girls who are faced with being young mothers? Is it truly showing the pain and heartache of giving birth and caring for a child as a minor?

This shows seems to be a confidante for teen mothers who seem to have no one to turn to.
With over 3 million viewers each time a new episode is televised, is showing the outcome going to be effective in the efforts to prevent teen pregnancy?

The showed aired in fall 2009 when teen pregnancy seemed to be on the rise.

Can this show persuade young girls to not fall down the path of a statistic?

Even these young mothers on the show are trying to change a generation, prevailing against what their parents have said about their future: continuing in school, and working and trying to achieve a positive relationship with the baby’s father.

A sense of independence seems to have been instilled in some of these young mothers to prove the statistics wrong.

With Teen Mom showing the struggles that teenagers have to deal with in raising children, is it helping our community as a whole?

The thought behind the series is helpful, with an in-depth look into their lives. But how is it changing the public and mindset of teenagers?

What about the mothers who don’t have a camera crew following them around like a clique? Do they feel like they are an inspiration?

Or does it seem that MTV is preparing the curtain to open and lay out the red carpet for the rising generation of future teenage mothers?