
Religious extremists invade Tech

An estimated 15 religious protesters condemned Louisiana Tech University students to hell during lunch Tuesday.Representatives of Consuming Fire Fellowship from Woodville, Miss., held hell-centered signs and verbally assaulted students.

The protestors distributed pamphlets with scriptures of the God’s wrath toward sinners. For some on Louisiana Tech’s campus, hate-based expression is not new.

“I have to deal with (hate speech) on a regular basis with people viewing my sexuality as extreme,” said Michael McClendon, a fashion merchandising senior at Tech.

Amused students reacted and made a sign that said puppy lovers, cookie eaters, sweet tea drinkers and others are going to heaven.

The religious protestors responded by calling the students names.

Stephanie Pruitt said that she was called a “lustful whore,” as she proudly held up the retaliation sign. David Kueker was called a “perverted jester.”

In response, Kueker expressed that, “Everyone is an amazing person, and deserves to be told how awesome they are.”

The protestors have made several trips to Tech’s campus during lunch hours this month and plan to come again this week.

McClendon believes that the extremism would not have been taken so lightly under varying circumstances.

“I think it would have been a different situation if a Black person was doing it,” McClendon said.

The lifestyle protestors have not been spotted on Grambling State University’s campus.

“Oh, they’re not coming over there,” he said, laughing.