Recently Grambling State University was examined for the Low Completer Review which is when the state looks into cutting programs that are producing low graduates. Many schools went under the same review. GSU has 31 programs that are at risk.
With all the commotion about programs being cut or consolidated, officials held a “State of Emergency Meeting” to inform the student body on exactly what is going on and what is to come.
Dr. Connie Walton, a representative from Academic Affairs, spoke about what to expect and what could happen to GSU if programs are cut.
But, what really caught my attention is when they opened the floor for questions and many of the students were complaining about the schools situation and the education they are receiving from some of the teachers.
To an extent I can agree that some teachers don’t put enough effort into giving students a quality education that they deserve.
Yes, what can we do as students about that? We cannot just sit and complain about the same situation but do nothing to change it.
We are university students. At some point we should change things around us instead of waiting for change.
When a change does come, the same people who were complaining before are still complaining, but do nothing to contribute to the process.
If you want a change, you must take an active part in the change. Many students voiced their opinion on the lack of education they are receiving.
As college students we cannot depend on our professors to teach us what we need to know for the world after GSU. It is up to us to take that extra step for our individual success. It is up to us to take the initiative.
It is up to us as students to join organizations to help better our campus and our school as a whole.
We should encourage our follow students to attend class meeting and educational seminars and/or programs that are beneficial to our education.
Students are always asking what are administrators or the Student Government Association doing to implement changes, when really we should be asking what can we as students do to help our university?
Instead of complaining about what SGA is not doing, more people should run for positions to improve our education and our campus or even volunteer to partner with SGA.
We are a generation that could make a big difference but we do not use our power to our advantage.
Many people paved a way for us to do great things yet we sit around and let opportunities pass us by and once they are gone we are pointing the finger at someone else.
We control our destiny. It is up to us to ask when it comes to our situation, WHAT CAN WE DO?
Erina Love is a junior mass communication major from Detroit.