
Ex-NFL player returns to get degree

January marks the beginning of a new semester for most students, but for Grambling’s own Kalvin Pearson it marks the beginning of the rest of his life.Having played eight successful seasons in the NFL, Kalvin is back to complete the 9 hours he needs to graduate in accounting from the College of Business.

Always an outstanding student, Pearson looks forward to completing his degree and moving on to a new chapter in his life.

He has come to realize that with all his successes including that of financial security, that graduation is as important as any championship game.

A championship game only last a few hours, a degree is for a lifetime.

Carolyn Collier, director of Retention, sees Kalvin’s return as a blessing for him and the students of this university.

“We want the students at Grambling to hear the story of a young man who by many standards would not have to return to college to make a living or have a successful career, he’s done that!

“We want him to tell students why he chose to come back and the additional opportunities a college degree can give you,” Collier said.

“I want them to realize that this young man has had an extraordinary opportunity but still values what a college degree can do for him.”

Pearson’s return will hopefully mark the beginning of the recruit back efforts of the Enrollment Management Division and Academic Affairs, as well as highlight to students the importance of continuing their education and graduating.