The Delta Sigma chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. attended the 48th Alpha Phi Alpha Louisiana District Conference in Baton Rouge last weekend. At the conference, they presented a display and a presentation detailing the community service and national programs they performed throughout the spring and fall semesters of 2010.Arriving to the convention with the 2010 Bayou Classic Step Show title and several university awards, the chapter competed in competitions for chapter of the year, chapter with the highest GPA, and chapter with the best scrapbook.
“The best part about the competition was competing against the Alphas from Southern University,” according to chapter member, Frank Smith.
Much of the competition centered on the chapter’s documented evidence of upholding the fraternity aims with their community service/national programs agenda. The aims of Alpha Phi Alpha are Manly Deeds, Scholarship and Love for all Mankind.
In winning the Louisiana District’s award for chapter with the highest grade point average award, the chapter demonstrated their ability to uphold the fraternity’s aim of scholarship.
Their winning of the award of the Louisiana District’s Best Scrapbook Presentation, depicting the national fraternity programs and community service the Delta Sigma chapter participates in, represented the aim of Manly Deeds.
The chapter also won the most heralded award among the Louisiana college chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha, College Chapter of the Year 2011, which was a testament to the love for all mankind the Delta Sigma chapter exhibits through fraternal, university, and community involvement.
In March, the Delta Sigma chapter will represent the Louisiana District and Grambling State University in the Alpha Phi Alpha Southwestern Regional Convention in Houston.
Chapter members contend that they plan to win there and advance to compete on the national level at the fraternity’s convention in Chicago this summer.
Chapter members expressed whole-hearted thanks to their Miss Black and Gold 2010-2011, Ariel Hunter, who represented the Delta Sigma chapter in the Louisiana District Miss Black and Gold Pageant.
“Much of our success is due to the students and community members of Grambling State University who attend our events and the support we receive from individuals like Dr. Frank Pogue, Rusty Ponton, and Grambling Student Government Association president, Lamark Hughes,” said chapter president, Ronald Pikes.
Several chapter members stated that their advisors, Dr. Walter Davis and Christopher Jackson, played an integral role in the chapter’s progress in that they are a steady stream of guidance, help and support.