Angela Robinson of Grambling State University’s Office of Student Judicial Affairs conducts numerous workshops to make students aware of the Code of Student Conduct and to prevent them from violating the codes.Judicial Affairs is responsible for adjudicating academic and nonacademic violations of the Code of Student Conduct.
“Our primary mission is to promote student learning, growth and development while increasing awareness of the University’s expectation of acceptable behavior,” said Robinson.
She asked student if they had a copy of the Code of Student Conduct handbook. She told them if they did not have a copy, they could download one at
“It is extremely important for everyone to know that all judicial records stay active seven years after graduating from Grambling State University. Employers will contact the Office of Student Judicial Affairs inquiring about your status with our office,” she said.
“It is each student’s responsibility to adhere to the conduct and standards prescribed by the University Board of Trustees for University Louisiana System as well as those established by local, state, and federal laws” she said.
Robinson discussed a few of the Code of Student Conduct rules as they relate to obvious violations such as kidnapping, arson, stalking, rape, battery, drugs, public drunkenness, theft and hazing.
Some of the not so obvious areas discussed were dishonesty/forgery, obstruction or disruption, peer sexual harassment (unwelcome & unsolicited sexual advances, request for sexual favors), failing to disclose information when requested and disorderly assembly or soliciting.
“When students violate the Code of Student Conduct sanctions are imposed on them. The sanctioning process is not to punish students but to make sure students sanctioned have learned from the experience, to educate them so they do not commit the violation again and to offer students an opportunity to make good on a mistake,” said Robinson.
Sanctions can range from fines, campus service, Interim Suspension-Temporary Suspension with a hearing to follow, Indefinite Suspension-Dismissed from GSU for an unspecified period of time, Revoked Suspension-Suspension is revoked if a student does not violate constitution and Expulsion-Permanent Dismissal from GSU.
Robinson said, “I do not want you to view the Office of Student Judicial Affairs as an office that reprimands student’s for just negative behavior. We offer a variety of support programs for students, faculty and staff.”
The programs consist of classroom management, peer mediation/conflict resolution, Responding to Student with Emotional and/Psychological Problems “Threat Assessment” and Hazing-A Deadly Game.
She also discussed housing rules. If you violate the housing policies Student Judicial Affairs will be notified. Review your housing contract in detail before you sign your name. Follow the check-in, check-out process, and return your keys when checking out, report lost keys. Develop a relationship with your Resident assistant.
Whenever something is broken it is your responsibility to report it to your RA, Housing, and Tiger Village. Know your visitation hours, as well as when visitation starts each semester. Students before I conclude my presentation.
Students find Robinson’s presentations insightful, interesting, informative and very helpful.
Brittany Emeonye, a freshman from San Francison, said, “I gained information on proper student conduct and who to go to when I have a problem in certain areas.”
Emeonye said Robinson told them to be humble and always think of tomorrow and for every action, there is a reaction. Emeonye is a criminal justice major.
Freshman April Davis, a nontraditional student, said Robinson’s lecture was positive and helpful to all students.
She said, “It’s always good to know there is help out there for students who are having problems on campus.” Davis is a Ruston native majoring in business management.
Beverly Crawford is the director of the Office of Judicial Affairs, a division of Student Affairs. Dr. Stacey Duhon is the vice president of Student Affairs.
I believe that every right implies a responsibility, every opportunity, an obligation, every possession, a duty, Author John D. Rockefeller.
Sanctioning is intended to accomplish six aims: 1). To make sure that student sanctioned has learned from the experience, 2). To educate the student so he/she does not commit the violation again, 3). To offer the student the opportunity to make good on a mistake, 4).To ensure that University expectations regarding appropriate are clear, 5). To educate the student concerning how his/her behavior impacts others in the community, 6). To protect the University community from people who may harm others in the community or who may harm others in the community or who may be substantially interfere with the education mission of the University.
I would like to take a few minutes to discuss Housing rules. Please read your Housing HandbookI would like to say to you, please take advantage of the opportunity to be a proud Gramblinite, because it is a chance of a lifetime. Your family members expect you to succeed and so do we. Set positive goals for yourselves and achieve them. Surround yourselves with positive people who share your goals and values.
At this time if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask them. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to speak to your class and have a wonderful and successful semester.