
Ivy League recruiter visits GSU students

An American author, astute journalist, and professor of graduate studies at Columbia University of Journalism, are only some of the hats Samuel Freedman juggles.

With a catalog of six books, including Jew vs. Jew: The Struggle for the Soul of American Jewry, where he was awarded the National Jewish Book Award in 2000, he has a resume of accomplishments and accolades that is too long to list.
Mass communication students had the privilege of getting to hear information earlier this week on Columbia University, one of the top Ivy League and journalism schools in the country.

Freedman spoke to several classes on what separated Columbia from other universities and when looking for the best in graduate schools, Columbia was certainly the cream of the crop as well one of the most sought after.

He stated that Columbia University offered one of the top, most elite programs for students seeking to further their career and experience in the field of not only journalism but mass media as well. Freedman explained the valuable hands-on experience and practical work that would come along with the education being received of a student in the different programs at the university.

“By the time you leave Columbia, you will have some familiarity with every aspect of the media,” said Freedman.

“It isn’t that simple. It’s not a card you receive on the way in the door,” he said of the strong work ethic that one must have in order to be a part of and complete their demanding programs.

Columbia University draws from a large media pool, with names likes CBS, ABC NPR, The Washington Post and The New York Times.

Therefore the market for being competitive is extremely high, so the completion of the program offers the best places to work after graduation, which is a major incentive when searching for graduate programs.

Before closing, Freedman gave the students some advice when going through the application process:

Stay unique to who you are and convey that in your application.

Expand on your character, personal experiences or any struggles overcome.

Explain what you can bring to the table.

Get out of your “sweet spot” and have a range of knowledge.

Freedman suggested having a strong application all-around.

For more information and requirements on the different programs offered, visit www.journalism.columbia.edu or e-mail sgf1@columbia.edu