
Domestic Violence: graduate student’s seminar enlightens

The Department of Criminal Justice and criminal justice club held a Domestic Violence Forum on Tuesday stressing the importance of troubled relationships, abuse and standing up for yourself.
Debra Faircloth, a GSU graduate student was the speaker for the forum.
Faircloth began her professional life as an English academic but after a life altering experience, decided to work in the mental health field.
She then became a community advocate and member of D.A.R.T. (Domestic Abuse Resistance Team).
For years she devoted her time and has written columns for the local media on domestic violence.
Faircloth shared with the students that domestic violence has become so prevalent in the community that victims lie to them selves in order to become safe.
She also shared that Louisiana leads the nation in domestic violence and also has become the most dangerous state for women and children.
It is very difficult for battered women to leave the situation, speakers said.
It is as if they are trapped in a nightmare and unable to wake up.
In most altercations dealing with domestic violence, the authorities make a dual arrest to settle the situation.
An interesting fact that the forum highlighted was that 75 percent of the women or men who report violence are likely to be killed. Also identified during the forum were warning signs to look for if a victim has been attacked or is involved in domestic violence.
In most cases when strangulation occurred or was identified in the domestic situation second degree battery resulted.
Studies have shown that the areas of abusiveness have been linked to these careers. The military, police departments and church were implicated.
Military work and its traumatic aftermath can be domestic violence factors.
The command factor in the area of police work, expecting to receive a level of respect that is presented in the office and on the field can surface in relationships.
Other factors include clergy saying that the man is the leader of the household and that if a man relinquishes his power to the woman that he is in sin.
The forum was informative and this is one of the reasons why certain students became involved in the criminal justice field, said Shakila Miller a sophmore.
Fairchild also brought attention to the real love versus abusive love debate.”Have respect for yourself,” said Fairchild.
There was also information presented about abuse against the elderly.

Sherrea Duncan a member of the criminal justice club said, ” It was very informative that elderly are abused so frequently.”

The average number of times a battered woman may leave from and return to her batterered is between five and seven.

The average number of excuses of a batterer will use to get his victim to return is between five and seven.

Certain ploys are presented which one maybe familiar with such as using love, sobriety, salvation and counseling.

If you are being abused or know someone who is being abused, seek help. Remember that it is not your fault. You deserve a happy life.