Martha W. Andrus
What is your vision for the city of Grambling?
My vision for Grambling is for it to become a place where everyone wants to visit, and once they visit they will want to live. This can be accomplished through economic development, fostering independence through services rendered, job and educational opportunities, and entertainment opportunities for families young and old. How does your vision differ from the visions in the past?
My vision is much like that of past leaders and especially those who worked hard to get the village incorporated in 1953. I will keep the connection, building on the past while focusing on the future. I will make effective and efficient use of the resources and technologies of the city, ensuring that we are equipped to compete with other communities for good jobs, business development and capital investments.
How will you work with Grambling State University to improve city and university relations?
I will keep the lines of communications open between the city and the university leaders as well as keep an open ear to the needs of the students and faculty. I will partner with the university to increase brand awareness for both GSU and the city through improved customer service, social media programs and economic exposure.
Describe the current state of the city.
Unfortunately, the city of Grambling is in a state of public mistrust as a result of infighting among its leadership. When I am re- elected I will strive for increased transparency and accountability. As a public entity, disclosure is not a matter of choice but a matter of obligation. And accountability is not a given or automatic; it’s everyone’s job.
Describe the current state of the university.
I believe the university is in a state of new birth, poised to take flight to become all that our founders envisioned it could be. It is already known throughout the country, and with the university, Grambling community and alumni working together, there is no way we will not succeed.
Additional Information:
I am distinguished from the other candidates in that I have the experience, the knowledge, the tenacity, the love, and the contacts. I know where the money is.
Alvin Bradley
What is your vision for the city of Grambling?
… My support of faith-based organizations and my hands-on participation in their programs ensure that churches and community centers will continue to be a source of strength for Grambling … My efforts to establish regional economic partnerships, expand opportunities for new businesses, fiscal responsibility, consensus building within the community, and strengthening the city infrastructure are vital parts of my vision for a stronger, healthier community.
How does your vision differ from the visions in the past?
My eight years of serving on the City Council and working with the citizens … has taught me that important community issues shouldn’t be about politics, but about passion and teamwork. I share the community’s views and am willing to preserve the ideals we hold dear. As your mayor, I will lead the city into a new beginning … that builds on tradition …, but focuses on the opportunities for growth.
How will you work with Grambling State University to improve city and university relations?
We are all grateful to have Grambling State University in our community-not only for its incredible resources, but also for those who work and do business in Grambling and help us keep Grambling strong … I plan to do everything I can to maintain the university and keep our relationship strong by offering student internships in the city’s… (departments). When elected, I will work to develop other avenues of support for the students at GSU.
Describe the current state of the city.
The city is in perfect position for prosperity and growth. However, because of the times and the serious issues we’ll be tackling in the next four years, it’s very important that we are prudent with our departmental appropriations and expenditures. During the next four years we must deal with the waste-water treatment plant, our future water needs … and several other priority items. We must not take on additional debt unless it’s essential, and future projects need to be budget-priority based.
Describe the current state of the university.
The university is currently faced with challenges on many levels. We are fortunate to have President (Frank) Pogue, who has a wealth of experience to draw from and is well able to lead the university through the challenges ahead.
We are fortunate to have the students, who made a quality decision to attend GSU.
Additional information:
I have demonstrated leadership and integrity as a university administrator, City Councilman, church deacon, businessman, community leader, veteran, neighbor, husband, father and son. My decisions are guided by a strong work ethic, integrity of character and a genuine love for God, family and my community.
I received a master’s degree in Public Administration and a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Business Administration from Grambling State University. I have been employed by the university for 22 years as an administrator. I have experience with state budgets and ensuring that a $53 million budget was expended in accordance with State Purchasing rules and regulations. My eight years as a Grambling alderman have yielded me experience in the Lawrason Act, requirements for state and municipal finance, municipal budgeting and municipal auditing policies and procedures.
All of my experiences have prepared me for the position of mayor for the City of Grambling. The relationships I have developed with the citizens, local business leaders, the university community and parish wide churches and local and state governmental leaders have helped to prepare me for the challenges that are ahead. When elected, I will improve the relationship with the university, provide the leadership necessary to improve the city of Grambling’s infrastructure and attract new business opportunities to the city.
Edward R. Jones
What is your vision for the city of Grambling?
My vision for the city of Grambling encompasses the development of a master plan that rebuilds the downtown area (The Village) and establishes new businesses and industry on our interstate frontage.
The establishment of these businesses will provide essential goods and services, as well as provide employment opportunities for our citizens and students.
How does your vision differ from the visions in the past?
My vision differs from the visions of the past, for my vision creates a systematic approach to developing our commercial, municipal and residential areas within our city by creatively combining grants, loans, tax incentives and private funding. With persistence, this vision will transform into a reality.
How will you work with Grambling State University to improve city and university relations?
When elected, I will diligently work with Grambling State University to improve city and university relations by promoting collaborative business ventures, by seeking tourism opportunities, and by offering internships, and part-time and summer employment to Grambling State University students.
Describe the current state of the city.
The current state of the city of Grambling has improved in recent months due to the hard work of our staff and council who are relentlessly committed to our municipality, the citizens and the students.
With the right leadership (Edward R. Jones for mayor), our city can continue to move forward.
Describe the current state of the university.
The current state of Grambling State University has taken a giant leap forward under the leadership of Dr. Frank Pogue, who has quickly transfigured the morale of the employees, as well as the perception of this institution.
Additional information:
I currently serve as mayor pro tempore; in addition, I have eight years experience on the Grambling City Council.
Robert Wiley
What is your vision for the city of Grambling?
… I will use my banking and financial background to assist persons interested in starting a new business or growing an existing business. I will be a pro-growth and pro-business mayor, and I will effectively utilize the city’s resources so that we can develop Grambling and start keeping more of our tax dollars in Grambling. My vision also includes overhauling Grambling’s financial system so that city government officials will be more accountable when spending the dollars of taxpayers.
How does your vision differ from the visions in the past?
My vision does not differ much from past visions. What makes me different is that I have already done the things that I discuss in my vision. I have spent the past 23 years … in the business world. I was a commercial lender and bank vice president, where much of my job included analyzing financial statements and determining the viability of businesses.
How will you work with Grambling State University to improve city and university relations?
I will find areas of common ground … where both the university and the city would benefit if we worked together. One area that comes to mind is the establishment of a hotel in Grambling. The university can benefit by being able to offer its students internships at the hotel and permanent employment opportunities. The city can benefit by working closely with the University to ensure that rooms needed for sporting events, graduations and special conferences on campus are referred to the Grambling hotel first.
Describe the current state of the city.
The town of Grambling needs new leadership in both the mayor’s office and on the City Council … We must look at past results and not future promises when electing the next mayor of Grambling. My results as a business developer and financial accountant speak for me. We cannot continue to elect the same people and expect different results.
Describe the current state of the university.
I am very impressed by the skills and experience of Dr. (Frank) Pogue. He brought a calmness to a situation that was chaotic. Although the university is experiencing unprecedented budget cuts, I think the president’s leadership skills are exactly what is needed right now at GSU.