
Also on the ballot

Constitutional Amendment No. 1
A vote FOR would establish earlier starting dates for all regular legislative sessions from the final Monday in the month in which they begin to the second Monday. It also would make legislation effective on Aug. 1 instead of Aug. 15 unless a different date is specified in the bill.A vote AGAINST would continue to require that regular legislative sessions begin on the last Monday in March (even-numbered years) or the last Monday in April (odd-numbered years), and that legislation passed take effect on Aug. 15 of the year in which it passed unless a different date is specified in the bill.

Constitutional Amendment No. 2
A vote FOR would make all of the positions in the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness a part of the unclassified civil service.

A vote AGAINST would leave a conflict between statutes and the Constitution on the matter of whether employees of the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness are members of the classified or unclassified civil service.

Fire Protection District No. 1
$72 annual service charge renewal
Summary: 10 years, $72 annual service charge renewal for providing funds for paying the cost of fire protection services and emergencies including the cost of acquiring, operating, and maintaining equipment and facilities necessary for such services and for assessing and collecting said service charge for Fire Protection District No. 1 of the Parish of Lincoln, State of Louisiana.

Shall Fire Protection District No. 1 assess and collect an annual service charge of $72.00 from persons owning residential or commercial structures, located within the boundaries of the District, for a period of 10 years, beginning with the year 2011 and ending with the year 2020?

(an estimated $612,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the service charge for an entire year), both years inclusive, for the purpose of paying the costs of fire protection services and emergency services in and for the District, including the cost of acquiring, operating and maintaining equipment and facilities necessary for such services, and, for purposes of assessing and collecting said service charge, owners shall be assessed a service charge for each such structure which they own, each residential or commercial unit in a structure shall be considered a separate structure and a mobile home, as defined in R.S. 9:1149.2(3), shall be considered a structure, all as provided in R.S. 40:1502.1?