
Founder’s Week Observance

Founder’s Week Observance ActivitiesMonday, Sept. 27
7:30 a.m. Official Opening of
Founder’s Week Ceremony at the
Founder’s Bust

8 – 10 a.m. Founder’s Week Community
Breakfast in the Black & Gold Room/
Favrot Student Union.Tickets: $10.
For tickets, call Carolyn McNeal at

1 p.m. Official Dedication of the
Mary A. Hobdy Foyer of Fredrick C.
Hobdy Assembly Center
Founder’s Week departmental exhibits

Tuesday, Sept. 28
9 – 10:30 a.m. Freshman Founder’s
Week tours begin
11 a.m. Founder’s Day Convocation in
the Assembly Center.
Speaker: President Frank G. Pogue

1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Founder’s Week
Symposium – Alumni/SGA Symposium in
Grambling Hall Auditorium

Wednesday, Sept. 29
Freshman Founder’s Week tours

Thursday, Sept. 30
Freshman Founder’s Week tours
1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Academic
Affairs Symposium – “A New
Beginning: Strengthening the
Foundation in a Changing World” in
the Nursing School Auditorium

Friday, Octobeer 1
Freshman Founder’s Week tours
11 a.m. – noon SGA/FSUB Founder’s
Week Bash in front of Student Union