
Forums set for Grambling political candidates

The first of three political forums featuring candidates for elective office in Grambling will be held Tuesday, Sept. 7, at 6:30 p.m. at the Grambling Community Center.In this first forum, candidates for mayor will have an opportunity to present their platform, after which citizens will be able to ask questions. The next two forums for city council candidates, using the same format, will be held Sept. 21 and 30.

“The purpose of the forums is to give citizens an opportunity for candidates to tell the community why they are running,” said Barbara McIntyre, president of the Greater Grambling Chamber of Commerce, one of the sponsors of the forums. The other sponsor is the Northeast Grambling Homeowners Association.

“It is important that candidates and citizens have an opportunity to interact,” said Douglas Porter, president of the homeowner’s group.

Porter said three forums were necessary because of the unprecedented number of candidates running, especially in the race for city council.

“We didn’t want to make the forums too long,” he said. “Presentations will be timed. We have structured these forums in such a way so that we can get in and out in about an hour.”

The forums will be moderated by Obadiah Simmons of Grambling State University and Reginald Owens of Louisiana Tech University.

For more information, contact Porter at 247-6934 or McIntyre at 243-1858.