The Epsilon Psi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. hosted a mother-daughter social grace workshop for their mini and sub-debutantes. The sorority hosts a program annually to celebrate mothers. The event was held at St. Benedict the Black Catholic Church of Grambling.Lauren Washington did the opening prayer and LaNecia Clinton the greetings. After each girl introduced herself, there was a tribute to mothers.
Each girl presented her mother with a rose and Sandra Carter, co-chair of the mini and sub-debutante committee, said, “The rose is used to represent the mini and sub-debutantes love for their mothers.” She read Cleo M. Shoffstall’s “A Rose for Mother.”
Breyana P. Robinson said a blessing for the food and asked God to bless all present and the ladies of the chapter and to allow everyone to gain something from the program.
Doris Marzett, Supervisor of Food Service Lincoln Parish Schools, facilitated the workshop. She began by showing them how to properly set a table. The centerpiece should be low enough so that people can see across them.
“Place utensils on the table in order of use. Begin from the outside,” she said.
“The cup and saucer are always together.
Like married people, do not separate them,” she said. “Also, pass the salt and pepper together.”
After she illustrated how to cut meat, Marzett walked around and observed the participants.
She talked about buttering bread and using napkins. She enlightened many when she said,
“Do not move dishes around. Eat them where they are.”
She answered questions. At a banquet, people should not eat until they are told to do so and not before everyone at the table has been served.
As it related to eating with potential employers she said, “Order a piece of meat that does not have a bone in it. Order something you can handle.
“Do not order spaghetti. Remember, you are there for a job interview, not to get full.”
“Good manners and etiquette are used so that you will not offend others around you.
“When you don’t know what to do, think of what may offend you, then do not do it. Watch what the hostess does,” she said.
Daphne Washington, chair, said, “We teach girls how to appreciate their mothers and have etiquette seminars to teach social graces, how to eat correctly and table manners,” she said.
Carter said the program was excellent. “The girls learned social graces and etiquette to use for every situation. The workshop was a learning experience geared towards properly training them and making them aware,” she said.
Shunda Clinton got her three daughters (LaNecia, Jessica, and Shania) involved with the program because of what the sorority stands for and does in the community.
“It is a very good program. It teaches them the things I teach my girls at home: how to be a lady and what she is supposed to represent,” she said.