When Grambling State University sends out a call for assistance, the Douglas L. Williams (DLW) alumni chapter of Houston gladly responds.”We have dedicated alumni that are working very hard in supporting Grambling State University,” said Dwight L. Moore, chapter president.
The DLW Alumni Chapter host fundraisers such as their annual Crawfish Boil to assist GSU.
In-coming freshmen in the Houston area receive textbook scholarships from the DLW chapter.
“This will begin their college careers and relieve the burden of purchasing expensive textbooks on the chapter,” Moore said.
The chapter was not satisfied with only offering textbook scholarships, it incorporated and endowment to offer scholarships to upper-classmen as well.
“We not only recruit students to Grambling but we oversee their progress towards graduation,” explained Moore.
The chapter motto is “Scholarships, Recruiting, and Membership,” in the Greater Houston area, the alumni chapter recruits students of all ethnicities, focus on team building by recruiting Grambling alumni in the Houston area, and working diligent hours to provide the best recognition for GSU.
The chapter donated $700 to the “World Famed Tiger Marching Band” for the historical President Barak Obama Inauguration. The DLW chapter contributed $5,000 to the grand opening of the Eddie Robinson Museum on a Platinum level.
The DLW Alumni Chapter is the home of two National Board members Veronica Johnson “Secretary” and Fred Holts Southwest Region President.
The chapter not only support its alma mater, but its community as well.
“We have two Adopt-A-Blocks in the Houston area to show our community support in the City of Houston, said Moore.”
The chapter, which has a total of 74 financial members, was founded by Dr. Sylvania Paul and named Douglas L. Williams. Dr. Paul was the first president and today Moore is the seventh president.
For more information on the chapter, go to Web sites www.gsuhoustonalumni.com and www.help2educate.com.