Coach Fredrick C. Hobdy was a gentle giant of an uncle to me most of my life. It was shocking when I first observed him on the basketball court because I had not seen that side of him up to that point (the gentle part was missing).
I later learned how tough he had to be in order to produce the productive men he coached.
I later learned about his dual personality because there were dishes to wash on the many days when he was harsh during basketball rehearsals and then turned around and fried fish for “his boys” at his home.
I later learned about the tremendous achievements of this man which made him the perfect recipient of naming the Grambling State University Assembly Center in his honor.
My Aunt Mary constantly beams with pride when she says Uncle Fred was the epitome of the concept of a coach.
The results are felt to this very day.
Many of his players are still taking care of Mrs. Hobdy.
What a powerful message when Willis Reed provides care for her lawn every month. What a legacy when Aaron James provides transportation, gifts and hugs all the time.
Various assistance provided by Larry Wright and Howard Willis indicate that Coach Hobdy affected the lives of his players in significant ways.
Mrs. Mary Hobdy was overwhelmed and overjoyed at the love showered upon her by Coach Hobdy’s former players at the Grambling Legends Hall of Fame Banquet in 2009.
With the dedication of the building can come the resurrection of Coach Fredrick C. Hobdy’s record, the re-telling of old and creation of new stories, the continuation of the productivity.