
Police chief to offer rape defense courses

Grambling State University Police Chief Craig Nance reminds the public that general crime declined in Grambling recently. “Crime, for the most part, is down here significantly,” Nance said.

Crime statistics show decreases across the board; however, larceny theft increased. While larceny theft was 32 percent in August 2009, it was 56 percent last month.
Larceny is the wrongful taking and carrying away of personal goods from his or her possession with intent to convert them to the taker’s own use.

Most of those cases stem from students leaving valuables unattended in public, Nance said, who added that if someone walks away from his or her belongings and returns to find them stolen, the police department cannot do much about it.

The best way to prevent larceny is with education, Nance said.
Burglary, damaged property and assaults show decreases.
Campus police pull weekly crime data, Nance said. Officers study the information and shift the concentration of officers to fit the criminals’ patterns.
“Criminals are creatures of habit,” Nance said.
The police chief attributes criminal activity decreases to “community policing” and said that resident assistants are helpful in creating this change.

To keep the momentum going, Nance said he plans to increase campus awareness and wants to introduce a “Who Knew” program to target freshmen and warn them of collegiate dangers.

A lot of people look at colleges as “bubble communities,” where the illusion of safety causes some to let their guards down, Nance said.

Last month’s rape incited fear in the campus community. Nance is prepared to offer a solution.

The police chief is trained in Rape Aggression Defense and will teach a course for women if five or more express interest, he said.

RAD instructors focus on awareness, prevention, risk reduction/avoidance and the basics of hands-on defense training.
It is not a martial arts program and is only available for women.
He would make self-defense courses available for males, he added.

“We all have to work together to solve these crimes,” Nance said. “Knowing is half the battle.”
Call 318-274-2222 to report criminal activity or to inquire about RAD classes.