
Local school district holds ‘Family Night’

The Lincoln Parish School District presented the 15th Annual Family Night on March 4, at the Ruston Civic Center. The theme was “Parent Power: Keys to Academic Success.” Title I and Safe and Drug-Free Schools coordinated this activity.
Dr. Rita Pierson was the guest speaker. She has been in professional education since 1972 and is a licensed counselor.
When talking about family reassurance, she told parents to build family pride, family-to-family support systems, know their children’s friends and have family meetings and outings.

“If there are problems in the house, children will have problems at school,” she said.

Also, Pierson said we should teach children to eat healthy, balanced meals fruits, with vegetables and less sugar.

“We have children who are physically ill because they eat bad foods.

“Our children are addicted to sugar and salt. Junk food is not brain food,” she said.

Spiritual guidance, regular talks on believing in a power higher than oneself and optimism are necessary for success. Have a willing attitude. Help others. Have dialogue about anger.

“What are you prepared to do? Part of winning the battle is a willing spirit.”

“When you don’t feel like doing something, do it anyway. Let your children see you smile. If you are not happy, you cannot make anyone else happy,” Pierson said.

Sallie S. Evans, Title I Supervisor, said the purpose of family night was to make sure they promote family involvement and encourage families to be actively involved in their children’s education

“It takes all of us working together to make things happen. We are about promoting literacy and making sure that everyone can read,” Evans said.

Title I Federal Programs Director said one of the reasons the program was held is to fulfill Section 1118, Parental Involvement.
Cheniere Craig, mother of third-grade A. E. Phillips student Floyd Craig IV, said that she enjoyed the program.

“It was something that is good for young mothers, so they can get on the right track early on,” she said.
Grambling’s Alma J. Brown cheerleaders and Grambling Middle Dazzling Kittens cheered and danced to inspirational songs.
Grambling State University’s Education department, Ruston High School Ambassadors and Pleasant Grove’s Young Adult Ministry also assisted.

Mother of three (Megan, Morgan and Andrew), LaKimberly Gainous, also said the program was good.

“Dr. Pierson touched on a lot of subjects that are true as it relates to parenting,” said Gainous.