
Athlete finds home away from home on the court

Coming from Guadeloupe, France, is Tigers’ freshman guard, Allan Saint-Gelais, who despite having jersey No. 0, is far-off from being nought on the court.
His agility and speed allow him to be fast on his feet and in position to score for his team. Towering at 6’6″ tall, it’s merely impractical for him to not intimidate his opponents with his height.
Although the business management major is 15 hours from home, Saint-Gelais was able to find another place he could call home — the basketball court:

Q: How long have you been playing basketball?
A: For six years.

Q: When did you first come to the U.S.A?
A: In my senior year in high school.

Q: How did you hear about GSU?
A: When I was living in Los Angeles, Coach Duckett called me and asked that I play for him.

Q: Besides basketball, what other activities do you participate in?
A: Back home, I go to the beach frequently, watch movies, and hang out with friends.

Q: Do you have a favorite basketball player?
A: No, but I enjoy watching LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, and Brandon Roy.

Q: What do you enjoy about the American culture?
A: The food! I love everything with chicken. Also, the people here are very friendly. Most are not accustomed to see a person of the Black race that doesn’t speak English as his first language.

Q: What is something that a lot of people don’t know about you?
A: That I’m an all around nice guy, but I have a pretty quick temper if my buttons are pushed.

Q: Being so far away from home, what do you miss about it?
A: The ability to relax on a nice island and take trips to the beaches with my friends. Guadeloupe has the best beaches ever.

Q: What are your post-college plans?
A: To start my own real estate business.

Q: What activities do you partake in before a game begins?
A: In the locker room I sit and talk with my teammates. We listen to music and joke around. Then, 20 minutes before the game starts I pray and get into my serious mode.

Q: How do you feel about being in a SWAC tournament while only in your freshman year in college?
A: I feel great. I’m looking forward to playing hard, and I would like to receive a championship ring before I graduate.