

The Psi Beta Zetas sponsored a substance abuse seminar in Favrot Student Union room 243 Wednesday night. The guest speaker was Tara Haskin, a Grambling State University nursing associate professor. Haskins’ experience includes addict recovery and psychiatry. The focus for the night included date rape drugs such as rohypnol, GHB and ecstasy.

Metaphetamines were also discussed. The group of students didn’t offer much feedback in the beginning.

“Just because you know the answer doesn’t mean you use it,” Haskins joked.

Haskins warned the mostly female crowd of the dangers associated with date rape drugs.

A common scenario includes an intoxicated victim being slipped a drug and escorted to a vehicle, she said.

As a result of the victim’s behavior, which typically causes onlookers to believe he/she is just drunk, the perpetrator looks like a good Samaritan removing the victim from a negative situation, she said.

Date rape victims often report what they believe is intensified inebriation.

“They’ll say they felt more drunk than they should have,” Haskins said. In the case of GHB, it only takes 15 minutes to begin rendering effects, she said.

All of the mentioned drugs cause brain damage. Oftentimes this damage is irreversible, Haskins said.

To avoid being a date rape victim, the audience and Haskins encouraged students to decline beverage offers from stranger.

If not, he/she should accompany the prospective buyer to the bar to ensure that nothing extra is added to the drink.

Buddy systems were also noted as an effective way to decrease the likelihood of victimization.
In the case that a victim is taken advantage of, he/she should go directly to an emergency room and request a date rape kit.

Victims are encouraged not to shower or urinate after the incident because evidence of the drugs could be admissible to court later, Haskins said.

Another drug wreaking national havoc is metaphetamines.

According to Haskins, the state of Oregon has seen an increase in children whose homes were dismantled because of it. Students said they appreciated the forum.

“It was awesome,” said criminal justice freshman Dominique Gibson of Chicago. Gibson said she hadn’t heard about street pills other than ecstasy before the event, but would “tell everybody” information about the drugs.

The event taught Zeta Amanda Jolla about the prevalence of meth labs and the Oregonian emergency.
Haskins joined Grambling State University in 2008 and assisted the Zetas in a domestic abuse seminar previousl