

Hello, GSU students:We hope all is well with you at the time you read this message. The SGA hopes your midterms went well.

I admit we have gotten off to an intense start, but throughout this semester the Student Government Association has sought to lead the student body by providing service, promoting academia, and setting an example of professionalism for our student body.

This year we implemented programs that we hope will inspire students. Among our programs is our Graduate Tour, which provides our students exposure to graduate schools in our region.

Thirty-five juniors and seniors traveled to Oklahoma on September 26 to visit the University of Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University.

I am pleased that some students have been offered full graduate assistantships. Our next trip is scheduled for October 23. We hope you will join.

Among SGA projects is “The Solution.” This program allowed us to adopt high schools, as a challenge from the Department of Education to get more students of a certain socioeconomic background to graduate from high school and attend a college. These high school students will participate in 12 activities throughout this semester and 24 throughout the year.

Four educational, social and community activities will also be conducted. Students will be brought to campus via the SGA Shuttle every Tuesday and Thursday to interact with their college mentors and study with them.

The Senior Class will host Tiger Talk on October 20, which will give students an opportunity to discuss ideas, concerns and other issues with campus leadership in an open forum. We are also working on our BIG EVENT schedule that will commence tentatively the second week of November.

We know that some students viewed the Big Event as the Big Trash Pick Up after Homecoming. SORRY! We believe that’s something that should be done on a regular basis.

The Big Event is supposed to have an educational impact on students while connecting with the community.

For SGA this year is about more than the status quo “community service.” It’s about learning, progress, and most important the opportunity to grow as young adults. So again we are here to serve and advocate for you. We were elected by you; therefore, we only work for YOU!

Please feel free to stop by our offices at any time. We are located on the 2nd Floor of the Favrot Student Union.

Steve Jackson is the SGA president, and a senior hotel resturant major from Shreveport.