In honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the More Than Conquerors Breast Cancer Support Group is teaming up with the Grambling State University Student Nurses Association in hosting “The Beauty and the Breast” Pageant at 3 p.m. Saturday in the School of Nursing Auditorium.The Pink Ribbon Breast Mobile will give free clinical breast exams from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. The Breast Museum will be one of the highlights of the event.
Tamishia Moats, Miss Black Louisiana 2004 and wife of Ryan Moats of the National Football League’s Houston Texans, will be mistress of ceremonies. The former Miss Louisiana Tech and Miss Grambling High will also crown the winners of the pageant.
For more information, contact Rixie Thompson at 318-278-0346 or 318-247-3457.