The Favrot Student Union Board in conjunction with the Student Government Association held the Annual Leadership Awards Banquet in the Atrium in the Favrot Student Union on last Saturday evening.”The theme for the evening was ‘The American Dream’, which began as a name that I used to describe myself as a student leader. having to be a President and active member of six different organizations,” said Chris Harmon, outgoing SGA president. “On top of that, a graduating senior and the vast number of accomplishments that my administration completed outnumbered past SGA presidents.
“Therefore, I titled myself ‘The American Dream’, and in my honor, Dr. Stacy Duhon granted the theme of the banquet,” Harmon said.
After he welcomed the audience, Senior Class Senator William Graves provided the invocation. Following Graves was Senior Class President Jared Evans. Next was a medley of spiritual entertainment provided by Grambling vocal ensemble The Entourage.
Following the music was an intermission for dinner to be served, which consisted of baked chicken, green salad, mashed potatoes, rice with gravy, buttered rolls, and a choice of dessert from peach cobbler and cheesecake.
After everyone finished their meal, Charlette Favors, director of Student Clubs and Organizations, and Tiffany Winnfield, president of Student Clubs and Organizations, recognized the organizations that excelled in academic excellence and administered the most community service. In regards to academic excellence, the men’s soccer team and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority both picked up awards. Community service awards were given to The Society of Distinguished Black Women and Zeta Phi Beta.
Next, Miss Grambling State University 2008-2009, LaKeisha Ross, gave out a token of memories to the semester year’s class queens: Miss Senior Rachel Hickerson, Miss Junior Amyra Chapman, Miss Sophomore Kanesha Carter, and Miss Freshman LaDonna Williams.
After Ross, Harmon stepped in for cheerleading coach Terry Lilly to distribute awards to select cheerleaders who did an outstanding job with teamwork, precision and unity throughout the school year.
Next, awards were given to FSUB and SGA members who did more than what they were asked of during the semester. Chairperson of the Year was Latrice Richard, Most Creative – Jeneane Brown, and Most Creative – Kenneth Williams.
Following the awards was the installation ceremony for the SGA, Favrot Student Union Board, Miss Grambling, and Class Queens. After the installation ceremony was a presidential speech from SGA President 2009-2010 Steven Jackson.
After Jackson’s speech the outgoing members and queen were able to speak to the student body one last time. Ross gave a remarkable and touching speech, and tried her best not to cry while reminiscing on past moments during her reign. Harmon took the opportunity to thank friends, family, faculty members, and The Gramblinite, for the support and dedication that was bestowed upon him while he was in office.
The Inaugural Ball followed in the Black and Gold Room.