
Top students told ‘Yes We Can’ on Honors Day

The Honors Day Convocation held Tuesday April 21 in the T.H. Harris auditorium celebrated with the theme, “Yes We Can: Celebrating Change Through Academic Excellence.” The ceremony recognized the academic achievements of students who made the Honor Roll and President’s List for the 2008 school year.

President Horace A. Judson gave the address for the occasion. While he congratulated the honorees, he also presented to them a challenge. The charge to the students was to move beyond academic excellence. He encouraged the honorees to go out and become leaders and people of importance to the community and also to be knowledgeable to things in the environment. The students were also encouraged to go out and make a difference in the world because while academic excellence alone is great, it is not enough. The address was “short and sweet,” but the message was clear.

After the address, the University Choir delighted the audience with a short piece, and finally, the recognition of the honorees.

Though the honor students were not recognized individually, each honoree’s name was printed in a booklet that was received upon entrance of the auditorium. Each honor student also received a medal following the convocation.

Overall, the Honors Day convocation was a nice gesture of the university’s appreciation. Congratulations to all of the honor students, and good luck as you continue your journey of success.