
President-elect seeks student involvement

As the SGA president-elect, I would like to encourage all students who are committed to a “Better GSU” to get involved, for which you will be able to receive service learning hours for participating in projects.Students seeking to become a member of the administrative council should stop by the SGA offices in the Student Union to pick up an application and submit a resume. Students seeking to volunteer may also stop by to fill out forms.

For additional information contact Jenita Blue at jblue@gsumail.gram.edu. The deadline for administrative council applications is April 24.

SGA Chief Justice: Duties shall be but not limited to: Responsible for the leadership and guidance of the SGA Judicial branch to maintain a system of check and balances throughout the SGA. To guide members of the judicial branch to make fair and impartial interpretations of the SGA Constitution. Preside over any case pertaining to any sanctions of SGA officials with the advisement of the office of Student Judicial Affairs. Communicate all matters of the Judicial Branch throughout other branches of the SGA. Will be required to attend all administrative council cabinet meetings.

Prerequisite: Thorough knowledge of judicial structure, a junior or senior level political science or criminal justice majors preferred.

Hospitality Director: Duties shall be but not limited to: Responsible for coordinating and planning all SGA catering functions and assist in efforts in coordinating all SGA sponsored events. Attend all scheduled administrative council and cabinet meetings.

Prerequisite: Possess customer service experience in the field of hospitality, a junior or senior level hospitality management major preferred.

Information Technology/ Web Administrator: Duties include assisting with implementing the SGA president’s agenda for advancing student technology on campus by establishing a working relationship with the IT Department and Student Technology Committee (STC). Be responsible for all maintenance and updates to the SGA Web site with the consent of the SGA president. Will be required to attend all administrative council cabinet meetings.

Prerequisite: Candidate must show previous experience in the field of Web administering and computer systems through work and a letter of recommendation from a credible source.

International Affairs Ambassadors (4): Duties will include establishing a working relationship with the office of International Affairs. To support the SGA president vision of inclusion and promoting cultural and diverse programs on campus. Will be required to attend all administrative council cabinet meetings.

Director, (1) Domestic Student, (2) International Student

Public Relations: Duties shall be but not limited to promote the Student Government Association programs, projects and initiatives to the Grambling State University campus and community. Promotion includes press releases, e-mails, posters, and bulletin boards. Establish a working relationship with the SGA IT Director and SGA Executive Branch to ensure the SGA message is being effectively communicated with accuracy. PR director will be official representative to the Gramblinite to report on all activity related to SGA. Will be required to attend all administrative council cabinet meetings.

Prerequisite: Candidate must show previous experience in the field of journalism through work and (1) letter of recommendation from a credible source. Prefer junior or senior level mass communication major.

Director of Service Learning Initiatives: Duties shall be but not limited to promoting the SGA presidents initiative to get students involved with service learning and Civic activities. To assist the SGA President and various SGA committees in coordinating programs affiliated with Service Learning Department. Will be required to attend all administrative council cabinet meetings.

Prerequisite: Applicant must be able to demonstrate commitment to service learning through 2 letter of recommendation from a credible source. Must have experience in coordinating large groups of individuals as well as successfully coordinating large projects.

Special Committees: Intramural and Health to bring students attention to unhealthy eating and lack of recreation habits at Grambling State University and promote the SGA president’s agenda for enhancing recreational offering of the current intramural center.

Keeping GSU Clean and Going Green: To bring students attention to GSU Waste Reduction and create a recycling program. The committee will collaborate with the facilities department, students, clubs and organizations, and outside partnership to promote a culture of environmental sustainability within the university and surrounding areas.

Math Matters: to bring students attention to the Grambling State University Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). To work with members of the QEP team to develop methods of improving the increasing numbers of GSU student who perform below expectations in the subject of mathematics. The committee will collaborate with the QEP Team, Math department, and students to promote improvement of mathematical skills and knowledge within the university and surrounding areas.