
Abuse targeted in DART sessions

A woman is battered every 13 seconds in this country. This is a fact communicated by the Domestic Abuse Resistance Team (DART).Three organizations visited the Grambling State campus last week in an effort to inform students and community about the issue of domestic abuse.

DART, The National Guard and the Pine Hills Advocacy Center, all of whom have local centers in the area, held an extensive program in the T.L. James Auditorium.

The three teams held a series of talks on abuse among teens and women, and ways to curb the rising number of abused individuals today.

The sessions were attended not only by Grambling State students and faculty, but also by student groups from area high schools. The three teams also provided a variety of food and free products from the organizations to all participants and students.

The program provided tips on avoiding being a victim of abuse and providing after-care and rehabilitation for those who have been abused.

DART provides a 24-hour crisis line for people in need of immediate safety and/or help. It also provides shelter, counseling, educational and community services, and a violence-free atmosphere for children who have experienced sexual, physical or emotional abuse.

The Pine Hills Advocacy Center consists of three centers (Child Advocacy Center, Sexual Assault Center, Pine Hills Advocacy Center) aimed at counseling trauma caused by abuse.

“We offer escort services to the hospital and counseling for the victim as well as the immediate family,” said Cathy Austin, a Pine Hills volunteer.

If anyone has experience abuse at any time, there are volunteers and people who dedicate their time and efforts toward helping. The numbers to call for help are (888) 411-1333 for DART and (800) 869-1033 for the Pine Hills Advocacy Center.

All centers ensure strict privacy and confidentiality of victims.