Over the past few days, there have been many discussions about what has been going on with the Student Government Association and Grambling State University’s administration. There has been a lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding between these two entities, but everything is settled at this moment.
However, my biggest concern was the place of the students in this situation.
The SGA has been working hard this year to get the students as many functions and attractions as possible to satisfy their stay at Grambling.
They include the televisions placed in the union, the game room which will be making its grand opening very soon, the theatre being built next to the atrium upstairs in the union, and most importantly, the transportation system.
I am proud to say that the SGA finally has the three buses on the yard. The system is getting ready to begin late March.
The students took a stance so that we could have some input about the decisions affecting us. Without students, there is no need for a school.
Our defense is that we, the student body, should be able to run any programs and use the fees that we were assessed however we please.
After we sought justice, I ran into a few students who were proud of our decisions to suspend all activities until we found justice. Many SGA officers in the past allowed things to go on without finding justice, and that is not what the Harmon-Jackson administration is about.
Uniting the campus is what we wanted to do, and that is what we will continue to do until the end of our administration. We will not stop just because the elections are approaching.
The issue that I have with some students now is that they believe that TigerFest is canceled.
They began a rumor saying that TigerFest was canceled by the SGA president. I do appreciate that comment because it gives me a chance to educate my student body.
The SGA is a political aspect of the student body. We hold seminars to provide information on financial aid, housing, technology, fees, security, etc.
We support political situations going on with the United States including the presidential elections, and most importantly, we make changes to the campus. These are the only activities that the SGA control.
The Favrot Student Union Board (FSUB) is run by president Keisha Johnson. FSUB hosts many activities including Speed Dating, Bowling Night, Skating night, Mardi Gras Party, etc. This is the organization that supports and provides activities to the student body, including TigerFest!
As the student body president, I would never do anything to take away from the students. Therefore, the rumor of me canceling TigerFest is not true. As a matter of fact, I am a fan of TigerFest.
I was sitting in a room, reading the article in last week’s Gramblinite concerning the incident, and I saw nothing about TigerFest being canceled.
However, while I was reading, I overheard someone saying that I had canceled TigerFest and it was stated in The Gramblinite.
I am a little disappointed that the student body was actually upset with me about canceling the activities that they DO NOT even attend as much as they attend the fun activities, and on top of that, I am not even over that specific area. So many students were mad at me for no reason.
That lets me know that if I was over that activity and canceled the events to improve the student body, the students would be upset with me for trying to help them.
They would rather have the same people that come every year, Rick Ross, Bobby Valentino, etc. and be upset that T.I. and Jay-Z didn’t come, than worry about their fees going up or being cheated out of their money or cheated out of having a voice.
TigerFest is not until the end of April anyway, and if activities were suspended now, my question is what does that have to do with TigerFest when we are at the beginning of March?
As students, we need to work on getting our priorities straight.
So, if TigerFest is canceled, neither the SGA president or any member of the SGA will have anything to do with this matter.
As far as I know, TigerFest is still scheduled to take place, but to get more accurate information on TigerFest, I ask that you go upstairs in the union and speak to Keisha Johnson.
She will be willing and happy to answer any questions you may have concerning TigerFest.
Let’s remember to always have fun and enjoy ourselves when the time permits, but lets also remember to find out what’s going on with the campus regarding the SGA, FSUB, and administration.
If we don’t, it can lead to more miscommunication and other misunderstandings.