
Where do we stand now that doors are open?

There is no doubt that history was made due to the inauguration of President Barack Obama on Jan. 20. But it has to be remembered that the African-American community had to go through many struggles and tribulations before that day came to pass.So many men and women had to fight in order for us, as a people, to be recognized as human beings. From the pioneers during slavery such as Sojourner Truth to the “radicals” of the Civil Rights Movement such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It is obvious that we have been able to conquer many of the things that were never thought possible for us to achieve.

But now that the doors have been pushed open, where do we stand?

It is time for our people to show the true essence of what we can do as individuals and as African-Americans as a whole. Proving once and for all that we are more than the entertainment world has allowed us to be, but standing tall as leaders in other aspects of life. Numerous African Americans have pushed the envelope so that we can succeed, but just because we have crossed one finish line, we still have many more to go. So where do we begin?

For starters, they way we act and speak. Going out in public and making rude and ignorant remarks is just proving to others that we are what they say we are, uneducated.

Our appearance is also brought into question. Our President and First Lady are constantly in the media and they are always well dressed. Why is it then that we think it is okay to still wear our pants below our waist or even wear tops that show too much cleavage?

We have to class it up a bit and stop allowing what may be personal style to affect what needs to be professionalism. Is it not true to say that when we are seen by others, they judge us as a whole and not us alone?

With that in mind, it is important to remember that the entire world is now expecting more from our community.

It is no longer acceptable for black people to give excuses for what we think we can’t do, because too many have done it. So from now on, we need to act right and allow the paths that were laid out for us to be revered because all eyes are watching.