
Union Board reports on activities

A new year and spring semester is underway and the Student Union Board has been working hard to present another excellent semester to the student body with the countless ideas and plans. On Feb. 11, the Favrot Student Union Board held their first general assembly for the semester. The general assembly presented a plan and schedule of events and opportunities to have fun on campus.

Keshia Johnson, Favrot Student Union Board president, is really excited and ready to get the semester events under way.

“Fall semester was filled with much excitement as the Student Union held various activities for the Students of Grambling State University,” Johnson stated during her interview before the assembly.

“The Student Union is extremely pleased with the student’s participation during our events, homecoming and bus trips. I was elated to be able to take five buses filled to the maximum to the Bayou Classic to support our G-Men.”

Keshia is a graduating senior majoring in business marketing from Atlanta. She is also an active member of the Delta Iota Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta and still manages to work with the Favrot Student Union Board.

For spring 2009, the FSUB plans to host their Speed Dating event which was held immediately following the General Assembly. Along with that, the FSUB held a Valentine’s Dinner and a Movie on Friday the 13th and a Mardi Gras Ball on Tuesday. They hosted a Black History Program on the Feb.18.

The two biggest events that the FSUB must tackle in the spring are the upcoming Miss Cover Girl and Calendar Girl competition and Tiger Fest. These dates and activities will be released at a later date. During her term as FSUB president, Keshia feels she has accomplished several activities and believes ahe has pleased the student body to her best potential.

“The Student Union’s biggest accomplishment for the fall was bringing back school spirit and getting the students to participate in the activities,” Keshia said. “Also having a strong communication with administration and co-sponsoring along with SGA the Inauguration Bus Trip to Washington D.C. It was an honor to help students experience a historical event.”

The ultimate goal that Keshia would like to accomplish this semester is to provide many educational seminars that will benefit the students career and future, rather than just sponsoring entertainment.

She plans to encourage more students to become involved in the selection and planning of activities. She want to see students participate in more educational activities.