
President of senior class makes plans

Greetings and welcome Fellow Seniors to our last semester as undergraduates. Graduation is now a mere thirteen weeks away and the Senior Class officers have been busy planning a full calendar of events for the rest of this academic year.Today in Room 242 at 5:30 p.m. in the Favrot Student Union, we will hold a Resume Writing workshop in collaboration with Career Services. This event is open to all students.

Immediately following the workshop at 6 p.m., we will hold our first class meeting of the semester. This meeting is crucially important because we will be giving out information on the Senior Class trip, which is scheduled for spring break. Refreshments will be served at both of these events.

Friday is the last day to submit your application for graduation. If you have not yet done so and plan to graduate in May, please pick up an application from your academic department and submit it by Friday.

On Wednesday, Feb 18 at 5:30 p.m. a reception will be held in the Atrium of the Black and Gold Room for all seniors who plan to graduate in May to honor them for their hard work. Recruiters from several companies will be at this event so that we can personally thank them for coming to Grambling. Refreshments will also be provided at this event.

The Spring 2009 Career Fair will be held in the Black and Gold Room on Thursday, Feb. 19 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. We are currently pursuing other recruiters to attend the career fair to expand it from last semester. We have already received confirmation from several corporations, businesses, companies, and graduate schools.

Graduation is scheduled for Saturday, May 16 at 10 a.m. in the Grambling Assembly Center. I am currently pursing several high-profile speakers to deliver the commencement address.

If you have questions or need further information about any of the events scheduled for this semester, please contact me or one of the other class officers. Any of us will be happy to assist you.