
World Famed raising donations for Inauguration

Posted 12/19/08 at 1:35 p.m.The World Famed Tiger Marching Band is currently seeking donations to help fund their trip to the 56th Inaugural Parade.

“This is a very expensive trip,” said Steven Jackson, SGA Vice President.

Jackson cited the fact that many are looking to make huge profits, raising rates on buses and hotels. He also said that food in the Washington D.C. area is higher than that of Ruston.

Several rumors quickly spread that the band did not have enough money to go to the trip. However, Jackson clarified the band’s finances.

“The band has not gone broke,” he said. “It’s just a very costly trip.”

Jackson said those wanting to give have to donate through the Black & Gold Foundation. Jackson said to make sure to earmark the donation for the “Tiger Marching Band Inaugural Parade.”

Unearmarked funds donated to the Black & Gold Foundation will be put to other uses to aid the university.