The National Association of Black Accountants (NABA), Grambling State University (GSU) Student Chapter will host a series of events during Nov.10 through Nov. 15. The purpose of NABA week is to recognize the achievements of the chapter and to also recognize the founders of NABA and those persons who continue to devote their lives to the association. During this week, the chapter also aspires to increase membership, introduce more people to NABA, raise funds and serve the Grambling community.
To commemorate the week, the chapter would like to invite everyone to the following activities. The Yeager CPA Review Information session on Tuesday Nov. 11 will be in JTS room 234 and Student Night with the Internal Auditors Association of Monroe will be in room 243 of the Favrot Student Union (opposite the Black and Gold Room) at 6:30 p.m.
The chapter will also have awareness programs during the week. Tentative activities include a dance, a barbeque, information booths and volunteering at the cafeteria.
For more information on NABA please visit www.nabainc.org. The chapter can be contacted via email at nabagsuchapter@yahoo.com. Blaise Wabo, Chapter PRO, can be contacted at 318-426-1968.