
Williams: Grambling is the ‘History of Pride and a Future of Promise’

The 2008 Founder’s Week Celebration Committee organized convocation to celebrate the founders of Grambling State University and its 107-year -old history on Tuesday.Guests at the convocation included alumni, staff and students. Edward Adams, the grandson of the founder Charles P. Adams, was one of the speakers at the Convocation.

Dr. E. Faye Williams, chair of the National Congress of Black Women, brought the Founder’s Day address.

Williams’ address was about “History of Pride and a Future of Promise.” Focusing on the founders, Williams said, “Charles P. Adams believed in change; he believed in possibility … He had a dream, he had a vision, and Grambling was born.”

Williams said that Adams worked hard to make his dream of a school for colored people come true, and students and faculty should keep his vision alive and continue to build Grambling into an even better university.

“Every generation has an obligation to build on what the generation before its generation has done,” she said. “That’s how we, as people, progress.”

Williams, a GSU alumna, shows the same pride that people have in GSU.

“I feel so blessed to have been a student here at Grambling State University,” she said. “There is no doubt amongst any of my friends that Grambling remains No. 1 in my life.