Despite past probation periods and low National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) scores, the School of Nursing has managed to increase overall scores to 95 percent and is also focusing on a transition in technology. This semester, the School of Nursing Associate Dean Dr. Afua O. Arhin has set her expectations high and her main focus is to enhance the learning experience for nursing students.
“My expectations of prospective and current Nursing majors are to become a more competent learner,” stated Arhin. “Read not because you’re told to, but because you want to.”
Through a Title III grant, the School of Nursing is updating its departments with both stationary equipment and portable devices. Nursing students are preparing for the real world with interactive mannequins that breathe, cough, and turn blue with the lack of oxygen.
“I am so excited about our new equipment,” said Ashley Bain, a senior. “In the past we were deprived from our full learning potential, but now everyone will gain the maximum amount of education the nursing program has to offer.”
Another improvement to the nursing department is Noelle, a new mannequin that gives birth. Arhin explained that mannequins like these are designed to give students that extra opportunity of hands-on training when clinical rotations lack experiences.
“I feel we will greatly benefit from the new equipment,” said Lateryl Mason. “It will enhance our nursing skills and make us some of the most competent nurses ever.”
The classrooms are also being modernized. New clickers are being installed into every classroom in the nursing building. The clickers are similar to what game show contestants use to buzz in answers.
“These clickers are going to break the monotony and cause students to become more involved with their lectures,” Arhin said.
The School of Nursing is also supplying each student in levels 1-5 with a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) to be used for organizing, referencing, and receiving vital information for clinical rotations.
“I am very proud of the direction our Nursing program is headed, and I believe this is only the start of something grand,” stated Kendra Dawn McMurry, Level IV nursing major.
On top of a freshly supplied School of Nursing, the overall nursing program has hopes of a new Master degree for Pediatric Practitioners. The proposal for this degree was written up by the graduate faculty in 2007, and is currently awaiting approval.
With a competitive intake process and several students applying each year, the number of accepted applicants is set between 40 and 60 per semester.
“With the graying of America, nursing is very relevant, and the shortage of Nurses makes this profession worth considering,” Arhin said.