National Bowling Committee last summer. As a member of the committee, she is responsible for developing policies, procedures, and rules governing the administration of the National Collegiate Women’s Bowling Championship.
Appointment to this committee was one of the most memorable and honored moments she will remember in her lifelong bowling experiences.
“This appointment is so monumental to me because I have succeeded to great giants in the GSU athletic arena, the late Coach Eddie Robinson Jr., and retired and current NCAA baseball committee person Coach Wilbert Ellis,” said Lewis.
Lewis is the first and only female Coach from GSU to hold this position.
Coach Lewis had the opportunity to serve in her position at the NCAA fifth Bowling Championship held at Thunder lanes, hosted by University of Nebraska, Lincoln in Omaha during the week of April 9-12.
“Meetings, (coaches, ESPN, committee, review of rules), oil pattern review, and walk-thru of the facility were only a few of her responsibilities, Lewis said.
The days were long but exhilarating, unpredictable, and she had first hand experience with the clich, “The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.”
The most memorable event of the weekend occurred when Coach Lewis had the opportunity to witness for the first time in NCAA Bowling history: a Black coach, a woman, and a Historically Black College to win the championship.
Her only remorse was that there was not one minority participant out of the eight schools participating.