
Poll reveals campus safety, parking as major issues

According to a poll, students agree that parking and the need for a shuttle bus system are major issues on campus. The poll, done by Dr. Gaylon Murray’s MC 562 class, was conducted earlier this month.Of 224 students surveyed, 67 percent strongly agreed that the university needed a shuttle bus system. As for parking being an issue on campus, 73 percent strongly agreed with that notion.

Students seemed a little split on whether the campus was safe or not, as 36 percent marked neutral for that question. However, 22 percent marked strongly disagree, while 20 percent marked disagree.

According to the stats, the males felt safer, with 61 percent of them agreeing that they feel safe, while 73 percent strongly agreed. The females felt the least safe, marking strongly disagree at 65 percent, while 49 percent disagreed. The survey was done before recent shooting incidents that occurred on campus.

Many students agreed that the quality of education at GSU was of high quality. Forty-three percent marked agree, while 17 percent marked strongly agree. Thirty percent marked neutral. Nine percent said they disagreed, while one percent said they strongly disagree.

Students were also split on the current job of GSU President Horace Judson. When asked if he’d done a good job, 38 percent marked neutral, while 22 percent marked agree. Only 9 percent strongly agreed. The discontent disagreed and strongly disagreed at 14 percent apiece.

The survey also found that students pretty much agreed (34 percent for agree and 28 percent strongly agreed) that the new dorms improved campus life. Students also stated that they rarely attended events held by the Student Government Association, marking neutral at 32 percent.

Students were highly split on activities held by the Student Union, however. Only 16 percent strongly agreed that they attended the events held, while 21 percent agreed. Thirty percent marked neutral, while 16 percent disagreed and 17 percent strongly disagreed.