
TB: What does Black History mean to you?

Chantal Brown
Fontana, Calif
The way I feel about black history is you must know your past to know where you been.Amelia Evans
The way I feel about black history is it is important to me because you can learn all the great achievements our people have done over the years.

Michael Bowden
Black history to me means strength, intelligence, power, and confidence; it means over coming the odds and being yourself. So if your black be proud of your black skin and stand for what you believe.

Celeste Osborne
West Covina, Calif
It’s important to me because I have a better understanding of what my ancestors fought for and we get to celebrate our heritage.

Terry Lilly
Black history is great, but I feel more people need to recognize the essence of black history. We should take the time to honor and remember the people who got us where we’re at now.