
SGA seeks student participation

Every year many students at Grambling State University complain about several issues on the campus. Most complaints are usually brought to the Student Government Association during their general meetings. The SGA president Whitney Moore-White understands the complaints but wants students to take another approach. “It’s always been our (SGA) goal to enable students to help solve problems themselves,” she said.Though Moore-White says it’s not an attempt to throw all issues off the SGA, it is a way to get more students involved with the issues on the campus. “I understand from a student’s prospective that they elect leaders to be their voice. but you won’t always have an SGA capable of handling those issues,” she said.

According to Moore-White, not as many students are involved as they should be. She says most meetings, excluding the last one, have been close to empty. She also voices that most students are not filling out the concern and complaint forms. “We need to be able to log your complaints in order to have an accurate paper trail,” she stresses with concern.

There are class and senate meetings weekly and students are encourages to attend.
As for the state of the SGA, she says there are some holes that need to be filled in key positions. “Freshman and senior officers need to be filled.in all 20 people have left my staff of 50,” said Moore-White.

Though she’s stresses she’s not focusing much on spending money, the leader did announce that she has been doing research to see what it will take to get a transportation system up and running. Her staff has also been researching student fees and doing dorm walks to reach out to students.

Moore-White says her biggest accomplishment thus far is securing the funds for an endowment scholarship of $500,000.

“It was important because the class of 2004 was the last class to pay that fee and now we get to decide what to do with the money,” she explained.

One thing she was not too encouraged about was the participation of the students. “I want them to participate more and try their best to stay informed as students,” she said.

There is an open door policy for students and the administration and they are both encouraged to attend any meetings.

She said, “Though we don’t have all the answers, we are holding the administration accountable and the students need to as well.