For the past two Tuesday nights Lewis Temple has been packed with students and some faculty seeking faith, fellowship and fun. The group is known as the Baptist Campus Ministry (BCM). Although a young ministry many students feel very comfortable attending the service.Rev. Reginald Alfred led each service although most of the events orchestrated by the ministry are student led, including a melodic choir and a mime ministry.
Acacia Barker, who has been attending for two semesters, noted that she felt at home attending BCM and also attends Lewis Temple on Sundays.
Students often share testimonials of how God has remarkably changed their lives. However, the heart of the Baptist Campus Ministry is the message delivered by Rev. Alfred. “Often times we as Christians run out of gas and hold others back,” said Alfred. He also said, that as a Christian we must continually renew our sprit and not look to other things except the word of God.
It is very easy to be blind-sighted and look to anything and everything else while driving on the highway of life. “When we are blind sighted we lose our vision and inevitably run into everything,” said Rev. Alfred while using student demonstrators to illustrate his point to the audience.
According to Alfred, When you as a Christian lose focus others around you may be hindered by your road block, rather intentional or unintentional. This is why Christians must continue to move forward through fellowship and following the word of God.
One way BCM encourages this is their upcoming conference with other Baptist Campus Ministries located across the South as well as a talent show.
“I came one Tuesday night and kept coming back,” responded Sharoma Scurry, who is now the vice president of the organization.
The Baptist Campus Ministry’s motto is taken seriously among audience members who truly believe “without a vision the people will perish.” As college students it is easy to be distracted and lose track of our vision.