This is a crucial issue to the entire United States. Entertainers, athletes, celebrities, political figures, mentors, and even the entire editorial board cannot emphasize the issue of voting enough. It is extremely important that everyone of age get registered and make the right selection regardless if you are Democrat or Republican.Every vote counts especially this year in this most anticipated election. For the first time ever, we have a woman and a Black man as the headliners of the presidential race.
We often complain about how things are run by those in office, but we never take the initiative to go out and do what needs to be done in order to get the leader we desire. This is not only related to the U.S. presidential election, but to any type of election that requires your participation.
State representatives, mayors, judges, and even your campus SGA officers are all important enough for you to take a few minutes of your time to vote. Be sure to bring a valid driver’s license or your state ID card with you. A passport will be accepted as well.
Be proud of your vote. Do not vote because everyone else is voting. Do not vote for a woman just because you are a woman or a Black man because you are Black. Do a little research.
Think about who you are voting for and understand their reasons for running. Think about what they can do for the United States and how they can better your living situations.
You should be able to have debates – in class or in general with your friends – about who should win the election. You should know the platform of not just one candidate, but all of them, so you can support the reasoning for your vote.
The Gramblinite encourages everyone to participate in the election this year and take pride in your vote.