Friday night was the jump off for Bayou Classic. The stands for the Greek Show were filled with excited fans screaming, dancing, and laughing along with the four sororities and four fraternities that stepped. Representing for GSU were Zeta Phi Beta, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Alpha Phi Alpha, and Omega Psi Phi.Grambling’s Zeta Phi Betas represented strong for our sororities. They were focused and exciting to watch. The Zetas had the best formations. Southern’s Delta Sigma Thetas came in second. Dressed in white suits with iced out chucks, they were the most exciting to watch. In third place was Grambling’s Alpha Kappa Alpha.
Their performance was grimy. AKA’s are perceived to be graceful, but their performance showed that they can also get rough and compete to their fullest potential when it counts.
Coming in first place for Southern was Phi Beta Sigma. The crowd went wild when they came out. They started out acting as puppet masters and puppets. Once the guys began to move into their forms two guys jumped out of a set of cubes they had on stage.
Then another set of guys jumped out and completed their lines. They stomped down the dome. They hit every move and they made us laugh and get involved with their music selections. The crowd went wild when one of the heavier brothers ripped the stage dancing.
Southern’s Kappa Alpha Psi came in second. They weren’t as exciting to watch. Coming out to Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal,” they did more dancing and shimmying rather than actually stepping. The highlight of their performance was a little boy that they brought on stage to dance to J. Holiday’s “Bed”.
In third place was Grambling’s Alpha Phi Alpha. They could have done better. The crowd liked the performance but what killed the hype of the performance was when one of the guys was supposed to be mimicking the voice over the movement of his lips did not match up.
The smoke that filled the stage before they came out had people anticipating what was to come of the performance. When the icebox opened, a bunch of balloons came out, then followed the alphas.
Their all white suits matched up with their ice-cold theme, but they didn’t fall short of melting the ladies hearts. When their gorilla instincts kicked in they reeled in their performance showing their stepping abilities.